ResponSEAble WEBINAR 06/12/18 at 2pm

ResponSEAble Webinar
Dec 6, 2018 2:00 PM in Paris

« Ensuring sustainable Blue Growth:
opportunities and challenges of ocean literacy for policy makers »

To register :

Improving Ocean Literacy in all components of European society is a major challenge to foster behavior changes expected from all actors of Blue Economy so to achieve SDG14.
The webinar will focus on specificity of information needed about sustainability to the businesses and what is required to get social acceptability of the projects.
The panelists will show the importance of getting the information in the following Blue growth sectors: Marine Renewable energy, aquaculture and coastal tourism.
Complimentary to the previous webinar, we will discuss the opportunities and challenges of the Ocean Literacy for policy makers in the sectors of the Blue Growth:
local governments that promote marinas and coastal tourism, industry associations and national agencies in charge of promoting and regulating MRE or aquaculture development.

RDV: Dec 6, 2018 2:00 PM in aris