ACTeon environment research & consultancy
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One of the main objects of the ResponSEABle project, is increasing the understanding and awareness of how European citizens affect and benefit from the ocean. To do this, the project decided to focus on some key ocean issues – the ResponSEAble´s Key Stories.
It was essential that the Key Stories captured focus areas that could serve as strong examples of human and oceans connections, that they were relevant in a European context, and that they could be applied in the development of ocean literacy products. Therefor the project underwent a thorough process to decide on the Key Stories. The project evaluated the European Union´s Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Descriptors, the EU Blue Growth Strategies as well as the relevant European Regional Seas Programmes to find potential Key Stories. After careful consideration, the ResponSEAble project decided on these six Key Stories (which can be found below).
They start with what we know about the current state of the oceans in relation to the specifics issues, how economic activities directly or indirectly connect to it, and our perceptions and understanding of this connection. By doing so, the Key Stories provide clear examples of the diffuse nature of pressures to coastal and marine ecosystems, the identification of actors important to the issues, and gaps in knowledge that need to be filled to advance the cause of ocean literacy. Three of the Key Stories represents pressure-based stories, while the other three represents the ResponSEAble Blue Growth Key Stories, which also touches upon an opportunity perspective.