Dr Emmanuelle Quillérou
German Cooperation Agency (GIZ GmbH)
Début du projet
Fin du projet
ELD Initiative – ReGreen Africa project
AMURE provides leadership and mentoring to establish studies on the costs of land degradation and the economic viability of alternative land management approaches in both Senegal and Niger. This work in undertaken in partnership with national research and teaching institutions as well as Ministry technical divisions, the ELD Initiative Secretariat and GIZ GmbH.
The Economics of Land Degradation (ELD) is an initiative for a global study on the economic benefits of land and land-based ecosystems. The Initiative highlights the potential benefits derived from adopting sustainable land management practices and seeks to establish a global approach for analysis of the economics of land degradation. The ELD Initiative Secretariat is hosted by GIZ GmbH in Bonn.
The overall project – Reversing Land Degradation in Africa by Scaling-up EverGreen Agriculture (ReGreenAfrica) – aims at improving livelihoods, food security and resilience to climate change, and at restoring ecosystem services, particularly through the EverGreen Agriculture approach. It is co-financed under the Development Cooperation Instrument of the European Commission (EC), CRIS: ENV/2016/39183 and the German Federal Ministry for Development and Economic Cooperation (BMZ). It is composed of three components, one managed by the ELD Initiative and 2 by the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF).
The two studies to be established for Senegal and Niger will contribute to expand the existing library of ELD case studies available at http://eld-initiative.org.
Des news du projet ELD :
- News parue le 18/03/2019 : Résultats préliminaires dans le cadre de l’Initiative « économie de la dégradation des terres » (ELD) en appui à 4 cas d’étude au Niger et 4 cas d’études au Sénégal
- News parue le 04/02/2019 : Atelier de coordination dans le cadre de l’Initiative « économie de la dégradation des terres » (ELD) à Bonn (Allemagne)
- News parue le 06/12/2019 : Ateliers de dissémination pour un dialogue science-politique sur les retombées économiques de la gestion durable des terres au Sénégal et au Niger (Initiative ELD)