Steven Lutz, Project Coordinator, GRID-Arendal (Executing Agency and Project Coordination Unit)
GEF ( Global Environment Facility)
Début du projet
Fin du projet
Blue Forests Project
What are blue forests?
Coastal and marine ecosystems, including mangrove forests, seagrass meadows and saltwater marshes, support livelihoods and wellbeing of across the globe. These ‘blue forests’ are vital for coastal and island communities through the many services they provide, such as shoreline protection, providing essential habitat for fisheries and supporting marine biodiversity. They are also significant for our global climate by storing and sequestering atmospheric carbon; giving them additional value and significance in the global climate challenge (a concept also termed ‘blue carbon’).
What is the GEF Blue Forests Project?
The Global Environment Facility International Waters focal area is enabling the Blue Forests Project to provide the first global-scale assessment of the values associated with coastal carbon and ecosystem services, in order to achieve improved ecosystem management through recognition of these values. The project will also improve knowledge for informed decision-making, raise awareness, foster cooperation among all stakeholders, and provide experience and tools for greater global application.
Mots-clés :
Ecosystem services; Blue carbon; Blue forests; Carbon assessment; Policy making; Carbon; Climate change mitigation; Climate change adaptation
Services écosystémiques; Carbone bleue; Forêts bleues; Bilan carbone; Décision politique; Carbone ; Atténuation du changement climatique ; Adaptation au changement climatique
Membres du Laboratoire
GRID-Arendal (Executing Agency and Project Coordination Unit)