3rd Marine and Coastal Policy Forum (MARCOPOL)
October 2015, 27th – 28th
in Saferseas 2015
Le Quartz, Brest
UMR AMURE in collaboration with the Center for Marine and Coastal Policy Research of the University of Plymouth, are pleased to announce the 3rd MarCoPol Forum to be held 27-28 October 2015 in Brest. This forum is organized in conjunction with the Sea Tech event SAFER SEAS, 4th conference on maritime safety and security (27-28 October), the annual symposium of the European Academy of Science EURASC (27 October) and the 2nd Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference (29 October).
The 3rd MarCoPol Forum will provide policy-makers, policy-influencers, practitioners, regulators, and researchers with the opportunity to discuss approaches and challenges in the implementation of European marine and coastal policies in various member states.
UMR AMURE, a joint research center in law and economics of the sea of the University of Brest and Ifremer, in collaboration with the Center for Marine and Coastal Policy Research of the University of Plymouth, are pleased to announce the 3rd MarCoPol Forum to be held 27-28 October 2015 in Brest. This forum is organized in conjunction with the Sea Tech event SAFER SEAS, 4th conference on maritime safety and security (27-28 October), the annual symposium of the European Academy of Science EURASC (27 October) and the 2nd Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference (29 October).
The 3rd MarCoPol Forum will provide policy-makers, policy-influencers, practitioners, regulators, and researchers with the opportunity to discuss approaches and challenges in the implementation of European marine and coastal policies in various member states.
The forum is organized around a broad range of topics on marine and costal policy, and will enable stakeholders to discuss management and conservation issues, as well as potential solutions for coordinated action. Topics of particular interest include:
- Ecosystem based management
- Common Fishery Policy
- Marine spatial planning
- Marine and coastal biodiversity conservation
- Integrated coastal management
- Coastal risk management
- Adaptation to climate change impacts
- Local-level management approaches
- Transboundary marine policy and management
- Marine safety and security
- Blue Growth
- New maritime opportunities: new routes, new regulations, fossil fuels and renewable marine energy
- Climate change impacts on ocean, food production, health, economics and international treaties
The first day, October 27th, starts with a EURASC – SAFER SEAS joint session dedicated to climate change followed by two SAFER SEAS plenary sessions on maritime safety and security issues. The evening of the first day will be an opportunity for networking, with a dinner cocktail offered by the City of Brest and a MarCoPol opening conference to be delivered by a special guest.
The second day, October 28th, the MarCoPol forum will be dedicated to sharing experiences in implementing maritime and coastal EU regulations in France and the UK with two plenary sessions and six workshops. Registration to the MarCoPol forum gives also access to the second day of the SAFER SEAS conference.
Participants to MarCoPol Forum are kindly invited to register for the 2nd Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference.
2nd Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference
This conference is intended for stakeholders in the Atlantic Area to network to initiate projects in support to the implementation of the European Atlantic Strategy under the European Integrated Maritime Policy.
This conference is organized, free of charge, by the European Commission, but separate registration is required. Please, register for the 2nd Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference directly on the following website:
The city of Brest will be hosting a series of conferences organized in relation to Blue Growth over a one-week period:
27-28 October | • 3rd MarCoPol Forum 2015, the English-French forum on marine and coastal policy
• Safer Seas conference, focusing on issues of safety and security at sea http://www.saferseas-brest.org • EURASC 2015: a COP 21 – CMP 11 event entitled “Climate change: impacts on ocean, food production, health and the economy” http://eurasc2015.sciencesconf.org/ |
29 October | 2nd Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference initiated by the European Commission’s DG MARE : http://www.atlanticstrategy.eu/en/news/atlantic-stakeholder-conference-brest-france |
The 2015 MarCoPol Forum will take place from October 27th to October 28th. Participants will have access to all Safer Seas events.
Tuesday october 27
08:00 – 09:00 Registration
09:00 – 11h30 Joint opening session Safer seas and EURASC
Scientific conference on climate change by Jean Jouzel, Vice-Chair of IPCC
11h30 – 12h30 Safer seas, session 1 : Gigantism of cargo and passenger ships
12h30 – 14h00 Lunch at the Quartz
12h30 – 14h00 Safer seas, session 1 cont. : Accidental pollution and pollutions inherent to maritime activies
15h30 – 17h30 Safer seas, session 2 : Geostrategic context and maritime security
17h30 – 19h30 Cocktail and MarCoPol Forum Keynote Address
Wednesday October 28 : MarCoPol Forum
There will be a simultaneous translation French>English throughout the Forum
8:30 – 9:00 – MarCoPol Forum Registration
9:00 – 9:15 – Forum Welcome
9:15 – 11:00 – Plenary session I : Implementing marine policy in France and the UK
Introduction: Denis Bailly, deputy director UMR-AMURE, Center for Law and Economics of the Sea, University of Brest and Gillian Glegg, Director, Centre for Marine and Coastal Policy, University of Plymouth
9:20 – « Approach to marine conservation in France »
Marine Protected Area Agency, France
10:05 – « Approach to marine conservation in the UK »
Ollie Payne, Senior Marine Protected Areas Adviser, Joint Nature Conservation Committee
10:35 – « First assessment of the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) (2008/56/EC)«
Annie Cudennec, Deputy Director, UMR-AMURE, University of West Brittany, Brest
10:35 – « Blue Growth agenda«
Thomas Du Payrat, Deputy Director, Odyssée Développement
11:00 – 11:20 : Coffee break
11:20-12:45 – Parallel sessions :
Workshop 1 : Coastal risk management
Manuelle Philippe, AMURE Center for Law and Economics of the Sea, University of Brest
Workshop 2 : Marine Protected Areas
Sarah Gall, Centre for Marine and Coastal Policy, University of Plymouth
13:00-14:30- Lunch break
14:30 – Plenary session II : Implementing marine policy in France and the UK
14:30 – « Marine governance in UK »
Sam Burgess, Oceanterra, Versham
14:50 – « Implementing the Marine Strategy Framework Directive »
François Victor, Chef de la Mission de Coordination des Politiques de la Mer et du littoral, Direction interrégionale de la mer Nord Atlantique Manche Ouest
14:50 – « Marine international cooperation »
Simon Benard, Direction des Politiques Européennes et de la Coopération, Région Haute Normandie
15:10 – « Cooperating accross the English Channel »
Gillian Glegg, Director, Center for Marine and Coastal Policy, University of Plymouth
16:00-16:30 : Coffee break at the Quartz
16:30-18:00 – Parallel sessions :
Workshop 3 : Ecosystem management and marine spatial planning
Lucie Trulla, Direction interrégionale de la mer Nord Atlantique Manche Ouest
Workshop 4 : Maritime Heritage
Jason Lowther, Plymouth Law School, University of Plymouth
Aurore Marsollier, Observatoire du patrimoine maritime culturel, University of West Brittany, Brest
17:30-18:00 – Summary and Wrap up
18:30 Departure from Le Quartz to Oceanopolis Aquarium, cocktail reception
Thursday october 29
09:00-18:00- 2nd Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference
- Denis Bailly , UMR-AMURE,UBO
- Marianne Biron, UMR-AMURE, UBO
- Emmanuelle Quillérou, UMR-AMURE, UBO
- Séverine Julien, UMR-AMURE, UBO
- Gillian Glegg, University of Plymouth
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