IIFET 2010

Du 13 au 16 juillet 2010

L’UMR AMURE participe à l’organisation de l’édition 2010 de la conférence biennale de l’IIFET (International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade), dont elle assure la co-présidence et le secrétariat du comité scientifique.

Vous trouverez toutes les informations sur le site de l’IIFET 2010: http://www.colloque.ird.fr/iifet-2010/

« Economics of fish resources and aquatic ecosystems: balancing uses, balancing costs »

The general theme of the conference will deal with the multi-functionality of fisheries and aquatic ecosystems, with particular emphasis on the developing world. The following topics will be of particular interest:

  • Contribution of capture fisheries and aquaculture to socioeconomic wellbeing: sustainable economic growth, food security and income
  • Fisheries economics and global changes (globalization, climate change, economic crisis)
  • Aquaculture economics
  • Markets and marketing of fish products
  • The economics of fisheries management (with special emphasis on small scale fisheries), including regulation and allocation systems, enforcement costs, ecosystem based fisheries management, managing the transition to sustainable and responsible fisheries.
  • Acknowledging the full costs of fish production
  • Fisheries in the context of integrated coastal zone management (ICZM)
  • Risk and uncertainty in fisheries
  • Models and indicators

Special sessions on specific topics will be held, and a policy day with a focus on Mediterranean fisheries is intended.