Séminaire Ifremer-DPMA

« L’expérience australienne en matière de gestion des pêches »

FAST Project – Second Workshop. 2009

08th – 09th September 2009
Salon de l’Océan
Ifremer, Brest, France



Discussion, en présence de :

  • Australie : Rich Little, Research Scientist, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Division of Marine and Atmospheric Research
  • DPMA : Philippe MAUGUIN, Directeur des Pêches Maritimes et de l’Aquaculture
  • MAP : Mickael QUIMBERT, Conseiller Pêche
  • CNPMEM : Pierre-Georges DACHICOURT, Président du CNPMEM, Caroline GAMBLIN, Chargée de mission pêche
  • Ifremer : Patrick BERTHOU, Alain BISEAU, Fabienne DAURES, Antoine DOSDAT, Olivier GUYADER, Maurice HERAL, Philippe LEMERCIER, Olivier THEBAUD

Retours d’expérience en matière d’aménagement des pêcheries

  • L’expérience australienne en matière de gestion des pêcheries au niveau fédéral (pdf)
    Geoff TUCK, Principal Research Scientist, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Division of Marine and Atmospheric Research
  • L’expérience en matière des pêcheries au niveau des Etats australiens : l’exemple de la Tasmanie (pdf)
    Stewart FRUSHER, Associate Professor, Tasmanian Fisheries Institute of the University of Tasmania
  • A retrospective analysis of the effects of adopting Individual Transferable Quotas (ITQs) in the Tasmanian rock lobster fishery (pdf)
    Katell Hamon, Olivier Thébaud, Stewart Frusher, Rich Little
  • ITQs, ageing boats and thr FERM price of fish (pdf)
    FERM, Fisheries Economics, Research and Management Pty.Ltd.

Workshop : « Integrated modelling approaches for the management of marine resources »

Download the program (pdf)
Download the book of abstracts (pdf)

Presentations of Tuesday 08th September :

  • Welcome & Introduction (pdf)
    Olivier Thébaud, Stewart Frusher, Rich Little
  • Global change, dynamics of exploited marine biodiversity, and fisheries viability (CHALOUPE): modelling approaches to explore some of the key drivers of changes in marine social ecological systems (pdf)
    Fabian Blanchard, Ifremer, France
  • Biophysical interactions, economies, ontologies and decision support models: Examples from temperate and tropical reefs (pdf)
    Craig Johnson, TAFI-UTAS, Australia
  • InVitro – Agents in a glass – a spatially explicit agent based model for regional marine ecosystems and economies (pdf)
    Rich Little, CSIRO, Australia
  • EcoTroph: a trophic-level based ecosystem modelling approach (pdf)
    Didier Gascuel, Agrocampus, France
  • An ecosystem modelling for the viable management of the coastal fishery in French Guyana (pdf)
    Sophie Gourguet, UBO, France
  • Population model assessments of fishing and other anthropogenic impacts on seabird populations (pdf)
    Geoff Tuck, CSIRO, Australia
  • Exploring ecological shifts using qualitative modelling: Alternative states on Tasmanian rocky-reefs (pdf)
    Martin Marzloff, TAFI-UTAS, CSIRO, Australia
  • Scenario templates to analyse qualitative ecosystem models (pdf)
    Guy Fontenelle, Agrocampus, France
  • Building from the inside out: incorporating the human and biological dimensions in fisheries models (pdf)
    Stewart Frusher, TAFI-UTAS, Australia
  • Controlling the biological invasion of a commercial fishery by a space competitor (pdf)
    Marjolaine Fresard, UBO, France
  • Investigating the potential impact of MPAs on fisheries: what can be learnt from basic bioeconomic modelling? (pdf)
    Jean Boncoeur, UBO, France
  • Tentative experiment of systematic conservation planning in the Eastern English Channel (pdf)
    Sandrine Vaz, Ifremer, France
  • Allocation of TAC and fishing effort in mixed-fisheries: a bio-economic modelling approach applied to the Channel flatfish fisheries (pdf)
    Paul Marchal, Ifremer, France
  • Economic Studies in Recreational Fishing in Tasmania (pdf)
    Sarah Jennings, UTAS, Australia
  • Management of Moored Fishing Aggregating Devices (FADS) in the Lesser Antilles: A Bio-Economic Approach (pdf)
    Olivier Guyader, Ifremer, France

Presentations of Wednesday 09th September :

  • Modelling the fleet dynamics of a small-scale mixed fishery (pdf)
    Philippe Ziegler, TAFI-UTAS, Australia
  • Modeling Non-compliance with Resource Regulation (pdf)
    Aaron Hatcher, University of Portsmouth, UK
  • Viable coalitions in the commons (pdf)
    Luc Doyen, CNRS, France
  • The development of the rock lobster lease quota market (pdf)
    Ingrid Van Putten, CSIRO, Australia
  • Modelling the effect of the introduction of Individual Transferable Quotas in fisheries : the rock lobster in Tasmania (pdf)
    Katell Hamon, Ifremer, UBO, TAFI-UTAS, CSIRO, Australia & France
  • Combining fleet dynamics and population dynamics for a volatile fishery: the example of the anchovy fishery of the Bay of Biscay (pdf)
    Youen Vermard, Ifremer, France
  • Integrative modelling in the coastal zone: some (early) learnings from the SPICOSA project (pdf)
    Rémi Mongruel, Ifremer, France
  • The Value of Water across a Catchment in Tasmania, Australia (pdf)
    Christine Crawford, UTAS, Australia
  • The use of bioeconomic modelling to reform management of the Tasmanian rock lobster stock (pdf)
    Caleb Gardner, TAFI-UTAS, Australia
  • Sustainable Management of an Hake–Anchovy Peruvian Ecosystem Model by Viability Methods (pdf)
    Michel De Lara, ENPC, France
  • Risk and Sustainability: Assessing Fisheries Management Procedures (pdf)
    Vincent Martinet, INRA, France
  • Bio-economic modelling using the métier-fleet based approach and the IFREMER Fisheries Observatory Database: application to the Bay of Biscay Hake long-term management plan (pdf)
    Fabienne Daurès, Ifremer, France
  • Modeling the impacts of aquaculture growth and environmental fluctuations on small pelagic fisheries with a global model (pdf)
    Gorka Merino, PML, UK
  • Faustmann Rotation and Aquaculture in the presence of an epidemic risk
    Patrice Loisel, INRA, France
  • Estimating the social cost of discards: the case of the Nephrops trawl fishery in the bay of Biscay (pdf)
    Claire Macher, Ifremer, France
  • How global sensitivity analyses can support fisheries management? (pdf)
    Stéphanie Mahévas, Ifremer, France

Targeted meeting

10th – 11th September 2009
Ifremer, Brest, France

Targeted workshop I : Social-ecological modelling approaches

What is the current state of the art in integrated modelling of marine social-ecological systems & key areas for future development?
Participants : F. Blanchard, R. Little, O. Thébaud, G. Merino

Targeted workshop II : Developing the ecological perspective

How are fisheries models capturing the broader ecosystem issues?
Participants : M. Bertignac, C. Gardner, C. Macher, S. Frusher, C. Johnson, M. Marzloff, D. Pelletier, S. Mahévas, J. Tuck

Targeted workshop III : Capturing economic and social drivers

How are fisheries models capturing the economic and social drivers of marine resource use?
Participants : J. Boncoeur, K. Hamon, A. Hatcher, S. Jennings, P. Loisel, P. Marchal, I. Van Putten, Y. Vermard, P. Ziegler

Targeted workshop IV : Models for management support

Will integrated approaches provide better decision support tools for the management of marine resources?
Participants : M. Bertignac, C. Gardner, C. Macher, S. Frusher, C. Johnson, M. Marzloff, D. Pelletier, S. Mahévas, J. Tuck

Targeted workshop V : Modelling coastal social-ecological systems

How can we integrate river water catchments and coastal water dynamics?
Participants : R. Mongruel, D. Bailly, C. Crawford, De Roeck, Bacher, P. Raux

See the details of first workshop SIMECO, 11th – 12th December 2008, Hobart, Australia
See the details of FAST Project