Doctorante économiste
Doctorante économiste
UFR droit éco-gestion - Bât.B - Bureau B214
Janvier 2022 : Doctorat École Doctorale des Sciences de la Mer et du Littoral (EDSM) / UBO / UMR AMURE
Titre de la thèse: Analysis of market position of existing aquaculture products and associated public perception
A broad study of economic scenarios and consumer perception of diversified aquaculture products will be explored to assess the market potential of premium class, organic and/or otherwise certified products. The poultry sector with a diversified market with respect to certifications related to animal welfare and environmental impact will serve as reference / Benchmark (in collaboration with partner organisation SYSAAF). For aquaculture products, the focus will be primarily on salmon and different sectors along the value chain (from fisheries and aquaculture producers (in collaboration with partner organisation Mowi Genetics MG) via processing companies, wholesalers, retailers (in collaboration with retailing partner organisation Colruyt – CG) to direct marketing to mobile fishmongers and restaurants will be explored. These analyses also include long-term predictions about the viability of certain products, for example premium or organically farmed salmon products. Particular attention will be paid to the perceptions and social acceptance of production systems (including e.g. the use of sterilised salmon), quality of the products and labelling schemes.